Fast & Studious is a planning tool enabling generating automatically a schedule, workload, WBS and full pack of project documents and indicators from a compact description of your project or portfolio.
Fast & Studious saves you a lot of time in the definition of your project and will improve drastically the quality of all your project information.
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Fast & Studious licence gratuite
Licence Fast & Studious pour les petits projets, les évaluations et les étudiants. Cette licence fonctionne sur la machine sur laquelle vous l'utiliserez la première fois.
Fast & Studious Pro license
Fast & Studious license for professionals One host - MS Windows laptop Please read the description for System Requirements. Everything in Free, plus: - 10 project models space - Advanced Process libraries - Instanciation for 500 tasks
Fast & Studious Business License
Fast & Studious Business license for collaborating teams 5 users and one floating license - MS Windows laptops Please read the description for System Requirements. Everything in Pro plus: - Unlimited models space - Custom process libraries - No limit on instanciation